Differences Between A Professional Bettor and an Amateur Bettor

The majority of casual sports bettors do not make money from the hobby. It includes both those bettors with a relatively high level of skill and others who could not pick a winning team if it were their life on the line. This is not necessarily a bad thing. Sportsbooks would fail far more frequently if every bet had won. Bettors would also run out of betting options if they did. Many bettors don’t care about making a profit over the long term. Many bettors are not interested in making money, but rather enjoy betting on sports as part of their entertainment or for excitement. These bettors tend to focus on TV games and bet heavily on big games like the Super Bowl, NCAA Tournament, or even the Super Bowl.

Money management is a major concern for many in the betting industry, which makes sense. Money management, positive expectation betting and other esoteric terms like this don’t really help recreational bettors. This essay is of little use if you only bet for fun. If you want to become a profitable sports betor, and make money from betting over a long period of time then these tips will help.

Don’t gamble on bad numbers
The half-point is a valuable tool for professional handicappers. In the college basketball card of a typical Saturday for example, at least six games are decided by one point or less. Pro bettors will almost always come out on top in these situations. The professional gambler will win when the others lose, and the pro will push the other bettors. A pro takes the time to compare the odds at different sportsbooks. A pro has enough funds in their accounts to be able to place a wager at the correct line and the appropriate location. A pro can predict the direction in which a line will move and capitalize on that number.

Professionals will make calculated decisions, which will lead to them winning these games. It is common for a professional to make 20 bets per week, which is about 1,000 bets in a calendar year. This is a low number. If the bettors is only betting two percent on each play, then those 20-30 favorable decisions translate into an increase of 40-60% in return. This is how you can earn profit one half point at a moment.

More straight bets, less parlays
Most professional bettors do not parlay their wagers. They prefer to make straight bets. Amateurs are more likely to bet straight than parlay, but still, they make up a large percentage of the market. Straight bets are the bread and butter of the professionals. The return on investment for a 3-2 or 12-8 is satisfactory to professionals. Parlays are not for them if they want to make a quick profit. The big payouts of winning parlays often attract amateurs, who conveniently overlook the fact that a steady and slow winning strategy will produce more profit.

Straight bettors will always make money if they win more than they lose 2up sports. This outcome would be unacceptable to parlay bettors. Every sportsbook in Las Vegas displays their parlay cards. Parlays are the mainstay of most Las Vegas sportsbooks. It doesn’t mean that pro bettors will never take the long-shot score. When they do so, it is for a much smaller percentage of their bankroll and it’s done in addition to their straight bets.

Focus more on the box score and less on the final score
You can easily make false assumptions based on the score at the end of a match. You can’t know what happened and how the teams are performing without looking up the box scores and reading the game recaps. The key is to handicap the game again once it has ended. You can ask yourself: what did you expect to happen and what surprised you? What are the things that are most likely to happen again, and what are anomalies?

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